Wuthering Heights


Wuthering Heights بقلم Emily Bronte ... In this epic story of love, envy, betrayal and revenge, Heathcliff and Catherine come together in a romance that destroys them and those around them. Set in the lonely and bleak Yorkshire moors, this classic tale of thwarted passion begins when the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange, a Mr Lockwood, is forced to seek shelter for a night at Wuthering Heights. As the night passes, Lockwood learns of the tumultuous past of Wuthering Heights and of those connected with it.


Emily Bronte Emily Bronte

Emily Jane Bronte (30 July 1818 - 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet who is best known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third eldest of the four surviving Bronte siblings, between the youngest Anne and her brother Branwell. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell.

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