What the Ladybird Heard By Julia Donaldson ... Yince upon a ferm steyed a sonsie reid chook, A goose in a pen, and in a dub a deuk, A hairy grumphie, a sheep like a rug, A kenspeckle cuddie and a jimp wee dug, Twa cats that miaowed and purred aw day, A braw prize coo. . . and a clockleddy tae. Now available in Scots for the very first time, What the Ladybird Heard is now translated as Whit the Clockleddy Heard. In this new book, meet two crafty robbers, a tiny ladybird, and a whole farmyard of fun. Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len have a cunning plan to steal the farmer's fine prize cow. But they reckon without the tiniest, quietest creature of all. And she has a plan of her own. Join the ladybird as she has a new adventure in Scots that Itchy Coo readers will love.
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