
The Wisdom of Birds By Alison Davies ... Following on from the success of Wisdom of Flowers , this beautifully illustrated book will share the infinite wisdom of birds, providing inspiration from these small but mighty creatures on how to live bravely and care for the things we love. Taking sixty of the world’ s most amazing birds, including the great blue heron found on the Galapagos Islands, the sooty tern of the tropical oceans, the black-throated blue warbler and the Acadian flycatcher, this book will share their unique characteristics and strengths that allow them to thrive, inspiring us to build with care and spread our wings.


Alison Davies Alison Davies

Alison Davies is an author, storyteller and freelance writer from Nottingham. She has penned over 50 books, including the popular ‘Be More…’ series for Quadrille, which started with Be More Cat, and includes to name a few, Be More Bee, Be More Sloth, and Be More Dog. More recently Alison has written a mix of fiction and folklore, with books like Tales Behind Tarot and The Goddess Stories. Alison is a professional storyteller and delivers sessions at universities on how stories can be used as tools for teaching and learning. Her most important and demanding role by far though, is being human of choice to her three furry felines, Ziggy, Diego and Honey.

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