
The Third Alternative By ستيفن آر. كوفي ... In any conflict, the First Alternative is my way, and the Second Alternative is your way. The fight always boils down to a question of whose way is better. This book presents a new and practical, but incredibly effective and eye-opening, way to reach resolution through using the 'Third Alternative'. The Third Alternative moves beyondyour way or my way to a higher and better way - one that allows both parties to emerge from debate or even heated conflict in a far better place than either had envisioned. With the Third Alternative, nobody has to give up anything, and everyone wins. To a world of escalating strife and contention, Third Alternative thinkers like those Covey profiles in this innovativeand practical book, bring creative solutions, peace and healing. Through key examples and stories from his work as aconsultant, Covey will demonstrate that Third Alternative thinking is the supreme opportunity of our times. Readers will learn how to create new and better results instead of escalating conflict, as well as how to build strong relationships with diverse individuals based on an attitude of winning together. The Third Alternative represents a departure from material on conflict resolution, negotiation and mediation; the book represents a new way of thinking that will be embraced not only by the many fans that have flocked to Covey's prior books, but also by anyone who is seeking resolution in their professional or personal lives.


ستيفن آر. كوفي ستيفن آر. كوفي

كان ستيڤن آر كوفي قامةً للقيادة ذائــــعَ الصـيـــــت عالميًّا ومستشارًا ومعلمًا. لقد ألّف العديد من الكتب الشـــــهيرة، بمــــا فـــي ذلك الكتاب الأكثر مبيعًا عالميًّا ""العادات السبع للأشـــخاص الأكثــــر فعاليــــة""، الذي حصل على لقب كتاب الأعمال الأكثر تأثيرًا في القرن العشرين، حيث بيع منه أكثر من 25 مليون نسخة بثمانٍ وثلاثين لغةً. تتضمن كتبه الأخرى الأكثر مبيعًا: كتاب ""العادة الثامنة: من الفعالية إلــــى العظمــــة""، وكتـــــــاب ""الأشـــياء الأولى أولًا""، وكتــــــاب ""القـيــــــــادة المرتـكــــزة على المـبـــــادئ ""، وكتـاب ""العـــــادات الســـــبع للعــــائلات الأكثر فعاليــــــة""، و""البــــديــــــل الثــــالـــــث""، و""نجاحات عظيمة يومية"".

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