The Call of the Wild

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The Call of the Wild بقلم Jack London ... i am a dog obsessive. i'm nuts. dogs are my moby dick. they're my opera-house in the jungle. if i had a genie in a bottle, i'd wish away all human life (including my own) so dogs could take over the world. wait. that'd be wish number two. number one would be that i had an olympic sized swimming pool filled with dogs and i could do a few laps. then i'd erase humanity. seriously. my dog is the coolest guy i've ever met, my best friend, and love of my life. if it sounds weird: piss off. i don't wanna know you.


Jack London Jack London

كون غريفيث لندن، المعروف باسم جاك لندن، روائي وصحفي وناشط اجتماعي ومدافع عن البيئة، ومن أبرز الكتّاب الأمريكيين الذين نالوا شهرة عالمية وتُرجمت أعمالهم إلى معظم لغات العالم، وصارت من كلاسيكيات الأدب الإنجليزي.

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