
Madame Bovary By Gustave Flaubert ... Following the success of the Vintage Classics Russians series, these are equally gorgeous editions of must-have European classics The Vintage Classics Europeans series - with covers provided by textile design firm Wallace Sewell, these are must-have editions of European masterpieces, celebrating the warp and weft of a shared literary treasury. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY AWARD-WINNING NOVELIST (AUTHOR OF ULVERTON) AND POET ADAM THORPE Madame Bovary begins where many other novels end: with marriage. But Emma Bovary is ill-prepared for the prosaic reality of life as a country doctor’s wife, and so plunges into a doomed search for passion and delight, flitting from fantasy to religion, from hedonism to devoted motherhood, from shopping to extra-marital sex. Flaubert’s brutally beautiful tale is subversive in its sexual frankness, revolutionary in its influence and an inexhaustible pleasure to read. ‘One of the finest novels in any language’ Independent


Gustave Flaubert Gustave Flaubert

جوستاف فلوبير كان روائيًا فرنسيًا. كان مؤثرًا للغاية، ويعتبر من رواد الواقعية الأدبية في بلاده. وهو معروف بشكل خاص بروايته الأولى مدام بوفاري (1857)، ومراسلاته، وتفانيه الدقيق في أسلوبه وجمالياته. كان كاتب القصة القصيرة الشهير غي دي موباسان أحد تلاميذ فلوبير.

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