
(Finnish Edition) Hare coefficient By annte tomayneen ... An insurance mathematician’s carefully ordered life is turned on its head when he unexpectedly loses his job and inherits an adventure park … with a whole host of problems. A quirky, tense and warmly funny thriller from award-winning Finnish author Antti Tuomainen. What makes life perfect? Insurance mathematician Henri Koskinen knows the answer because he calculates everything down to the very last decimal. And then, for the first time, Henri is faced with the incalculable. After suddenly losing his job, Henri inherits an adventure park from his brother – its peculiar employees and troubling financial problems included. The worst of the financial issues appear to originate from big loans taken from criminal quarters … and some dangerous men are very keen to get their money back. But what Henri really can’t compute is love. In the adventure park, Henri crosses paths with Laura, an artist with a chequered past, and a joie de vivre and erratic lifestyle that bewilders him. As the criminals go to extreme lengths to collect their debts and as Henri's relationship with Laura deepens, he finds himself faced with situations and emotions that simply cannot be pinned down on his spreadsheets… Warmly funny, rich with quirky characters and absurd situations, The Rabbit Factor is a triumph of a dark thriller, its tension matched only by its ability to make us rejoice in the beauty and random nature of life.


annte tomayneen Annte Tomayneen

وُلد آنتي توماينين في فنلندا عام 1971، وهو أحد أكثر كُتَّاب الجريمة شهرةً ونيلًا للجوائز في فنلندا. حتى الآن، تُرجمت أعمال توماينين إلى أكثر من 25 لغةً. حصد عدة جوائز، منها جائزة «كلو آورد» لأفضل رواية عن الجريمة في فنلندا، وجائزة «بيترونا آورود» لأفضل رواية جريمة في اسكندنافيا. وحققت روايته «الرجل الذي مات» مبيعاتٍ ضخمة عالميًّا. ونال العديد من الإشادات من القراء وجماعات الأدب والصحف الدولية.
ستُحوَّل روايته «عامل الأرنب» إلى فيلمٍ ذي إنتاجٍ ضخم قريبًا، مِن بطولة ستيف كاريل، ولصالح استوديوهات أمازون."

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