
Duck : Cutout Board Book By Om Books International ... An animal cut-out book can help children recognize the types of animals as well as the baby animals and their names. It can assist with learning about the habitats of the animals and the food that the animals eat. Children and adults who might not be capable of reading can move the animals to different areas to see how they would interact with other animals. The book can teach the spelling of the animals and the sounds that they make.


Om Books International Om Books International

تأسست شركة Om Books International في عام 1965، ونمت لتصبح اسمًا مشهورًا في صناعة النشر وهي متخصصة في الكتب الموجهة للأطفال، ويهدف إلى تقديم محتوى تعليمي وترفيهي للأطفال بمستويات عمرية مختلفة.

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