
BODY BY THE SHORE By Tabish Khair ... Description : Harris Malouf, a killer with an erased official past, is visited by someone who could not be alive.In Aarhus, police officer Jens Erik cannot forget the body of a black man recovered from the sea some years ago.On an abandoned oil rig in the North Sea, Michelle, a young Caribbean woman, realizes that the man she has followed to this job is not what he claims to be.Set in the post-pandemic world around 2030, but moving back in time to cover all of the 21st century, The Body by the Shore is a novel about reason and emotion, love and despair, greed and hope. When all the narrative strands come together, a world of great terror and beauty is revealed.


Tabish Khair Tabish Khair

تابيش خير هو مؤلف إنجليزي هندي وأستاذ مشارك في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية ، جامعة آرهوس ، الدنمارك. تشمل كتبه بابو فيكشنز ، ذا باص ستوبد ، التي تم ترشيحها لجائزة Encore و The Thing About Thug ، والتي تم ترشيحها لعدد من الجوائز ، بما في ذلك جائزة DSC لأدب جنوب آسيا وجائزة مان آسيوية الأدبية.

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