ART OF FANTASY... Evolution Of Egyptian Cinema Into The Digital Age

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ART OF FANTASY... Evolution Of Egyptian Cinema Into The Digital Age بقلم Mervat Abou Oaf ... Dr. Mervat Abou Oaf chronicles the journey of Egypt’s film industry from the days of its commencement to the contemporary era of digitization and streaming platforms, all while painting a better, brighter, and bigger picture of what the future could entail. The book maneuvers around significant dates and milestones, highlighting Egyptian cinema's cultural, political, and economic importance. Through the lens of expert interviews, Dr. Abou Oaf examines regulatory frameworks operating backstage and maps out what’s required to sustain and develop a thriving industry, proposing a regulatory model that embraces economic prosperity, cultural values, and industry independence.


Mervat Abou Oaf Mervat Abou Oaf

دكتور ميرفت ابو عوف مديرة القسم الإعلامي بالجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة،خبير إعلامي ،؛ مدرب NTA، عضو NCW & FPA، مستشار CCI وCIFF

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