Finding Perfect

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Finding Perfect بقلم Colin Hoover ... The 1 New York Times bestselling Hopeless series continues with this heartwarming conclusion that illustrates the power of following a difficult journey to discover what happens next.Friends Daniel, Six, Holder, Sky, and Breckin are planning to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with a Friendsgiving dinner at Sky's parents' house. But things have been off within the tightknit group and when Daniel reaches out to Six to ask the hard questions he hasn't dared to bring up since they last spoke about their shared secret, he's dismayed to learn that it's this very secret bringing a cloud over the holiday. Suddenly, Daniel must do everything he can to find answers for the one person he loves the most in the world, but will this search only lead to despair.


Colin Hoover Colin Hoover

كولين هوفر ‏ (11 ديسمبر 1979، سولفر سبرينغز في الولايات المتحدة)؛ كاتِبة مُتخصِّصة في أدب الأطفال وروائية أمريكية.
تم تصنيف روايتها لفئة روايات الشباب الكبار، فمنذ صدور أول رواياتها «Slammed» العام 2012، تمكَّنت رواياتها اللاحقة من الوصول لقائمة الأكثر مبيعًا، وأصبح اسمها معروفًا ضمن كتّاب هذه الفئة.

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