Ignazio Silone

Ignazio Silone

Ignazio Silone is the pseudonym of the Italian political activist and novelist Secondo Tranquilli . He was born in the town of Pescina , L'Aquila Province , Rome , on May 1, 1900. He is considered one of the most famous Italian intellectuals, with his works read in Europe and around the world. Fontamara is considered one of his most famous works of fiction, a realistic allegory to denounce oppression, social injustice, and poverty, and has been translated into many languages. Silone had a notable role in Italian political life, as he participated in the struggle against fascism at many points in his life, and he breathed life into the country’s cultural life after the World War . He was often criticized by Italian critics, but at the same time he was especially appreciated in the outside world. He died in Geneva on August 22, 1978.

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