Mars And Venus Together Forever : Relationship Skills for Lasting Love

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Mars And Venus Together Forever : Relationship Skills for Lasting Love بقلم John Gray ... This repackaged, retitled version of WHAT YOUR MOTHER COULDN'T TELL YOU AND YOUR FATHER DIDN'T KNOW brings the book firmly into line with John Gary's existing Mars and Venus classics, and has proved immensley successful in the states. This enticing book by America's phenomenally successful relationships guru explains how we can all have exciting, happy and everlasting relationships. In it he reveals: *what women need most and what men want *masculine skills for listening without getting upset *feminine skills for talking so a man will listen *seven secrets of lasting passion *dance steps for lasting intimacy Brimming with humour, exercises and profound common sense, this book will help to get men and women talking, loving and communicating and will keep loving couples 'together forever'.

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John Gray John Gray

John Gray is a psychologist and bestselling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. He is a popular and frequent guest on TV and radio, including Oprah's dynamic Change Your Life TV team.

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