Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl―A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

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Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl―A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship بقلم شيري أرغوف ... Discover why men are attracted to strong, independent women with this straight-forward, accessible dating guide from New York Times bestselling author Sherry Argov. Do you feel like you are too nice? Sherry Argov’s Why Men Love Bitches delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself. With saucy detail on every page, this no-nonsense guide reveals why a strong woman is much more desirable than a “yes woman” who routinely sacrifices herself. The author provides compelling answers to the tough questions women often ask: -Why are men so romantic in the beginning and why do they change? -Why do men take nice girls for granted? -Why does a man respect a woman when she stands up for herself? Full of advice, hilarious real-life relationship scenarios, “she says/he thinks” tables, and the author’s unique “Attraction Principles,” Why Men Love Bitches gives you bottom-line answers. It helps you know who you are, stand your ground, and relate to men on a whole new level. Once you’ve discovered the feisty attitude men find so magnetic, you’ll not only increase the romantic chemistry—you’​ll gain your man's love and respect with far less effort.

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شيري أرغوف شيري أرغوف

شيري أرجوف (مواليد 5 نوفمبر 1977) هي مؤلفة أمريكية من أصل فرنسي. وهي مؤلفة كتاب لماذا يحب الرجال العاهرات ولماذا يتزوج الرجال من العاهرات. كلا الكتابين من أكثر الكتب مبيعًا في نيويورك تايمز .
ظهرت أعمال شيري في البرامج التلفزيونية الوطنية مثل The Today Show و The View و The O'Reilly
❰ لها مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ لماذا يحب الرجال العاهرات ❝ الناشرين : ❞ مؤسسة يسطرون للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع

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