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When You Wish Upon A Star (Twisted Tales) بقلم Elizabeth Lim ... What if the Blue Fairy wasn't supposed to help Pinocchio? Pariva is a village full of magical lore where sisters Chiara and Ilaria grew up together. Forty years later, Chiara, now the Blue Fairy, defies the rules of magic within Pariva and grants a wish that changes everything for her old friend Geppetto, and for a little puppet named Pinocchio. But, she is discovered by the Scarlet Fairy, formerly Ilaria, who holds this transgression against her. They decide to settle things through a good old-fashioned bet - with Pinocchio and Geppetto's fate hanging in the balance.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Elizabeth Lim Elizabeth Lim

ELIZABETH LIM grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she was raised on a hearty diet of fairy tales, myths, and songs. Before becoming an author, Elizabeth was a professional film and video game composer, and she still tends to come up with her best book ideas when writing near a piano. An alumna of Harvard College and the Juilliard School, she now lives in New York with her husband and her daughters.

Elizabeth's internationally bestselling novels include Six Crimson Cranes, The Dragon's Promise, Spin the Dawn, and Unravel the Dusk. She is also a contributor to Disney's A Twisted Tale series.

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