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What the Ladybird Heard بقلم جوليا دونالدسون ... A funny favourite by the author of The Gruffalo – now in a simpler format that helps you read on your own. Hurray! This book has all the original text and complete artwork from Julia Donaldson’s wonderful rhyme. Only now it’s got a clearer page layout and typeface to give you a helping hand. If you already know the story, use your memory as a guide. Or if you don’t, you’ve got a huge treat ahead: enjoying it for the first time. Spot a tiny ladybird in the quirky pictures, and make your loudest farmyard noises. Is it quiet? Something’s wrong! Fantastic new easy-read edition of this merry favourite A bestselling rhyme from the UK’s top picture book team Now with a clearer font and layout for new solo readers The full original text and artwork in a simpler format

نبذة عن الكاتب

جوليا دونالدسون جوليا دونالدسون

كاتبة إنجليزية وكاتبة مسرحية ومؤدية، وحائزة على جائزة الأطفال 2011-2013. تشتهر بقصصها الشعبية ذات القوافي للأطفال،

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