نبذة عن الكتاب

(Turkish Edition) Don't Miss بقلم Hakan Akdogan ... Love is often the beginning of an irreversible end. It is the edge of a cliff and waiting for an invisible hand to reach out and pick you up from there. It is at the intersection of the contemporary trace of Nü Peride, which was passionately drawn by the painter Halil, with the story of Mihriban and Armenian Ante and Necati and Beril. Sometimes you dig a corridor like the Armenian Ante to reach Mihriban, sometimes you are confined to a wheelchair like Necati in order not to upset your loved one. And to live is to watch silently and sadly the drift of an apple that has broken off from its branch. Hakan Akdoğan's Yunus Nadi Novel Award-winning book Nü Peride always maintains its unique place with the charm and fictional depth of its language. (From the Publicity Release)

نبذة عن الكاتب

Hakan Akdogan Hakan Akdogan

Writer of short stories and novels. April 16, 1971, Ankara Born. He completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara. Hacettepe University She graduated from the Department of English Linguistics at the Faculty of Letters. Literature on radio prepared the programs. In addition, volleyball coaching, private lessons He worked as an English teacher. 1998 Yunus with the Nü Peride file He shared the Nadi Novel Award with Demir Özlü. Nü Peride, 2001 in Tuna It was the first audio novel voiced by Egemen and composed by Erhan Ersin.


NOVEL: Nü Peride (1998), Shadow Aliveer (2001).

STORY: The Marble House.

ABOUT: With Dilek Oktay / Hakan Akdoğan Interview: «The Writer's Job Is Very Difficult!» (Comma, issue: 13, November 1998), TBE Encyclopedia 1 (2001), Shadow Living (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 6.12.2001), Nü Peride (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 31.1.2002).

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