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Tomodachi x Monster Vol. 2 بقلم Yoshihiko Inui ... In a small mountainous village in rural Japan, strange creatures lurk. A young boy, friendless and neglected, hears a distant voice calling out to him. He soon discovers a new "friend" that will transform his life forever. He learns that there is a hidden world of monsters that seek to befriend young children, and together, they must enter a horrifying death match. Watch what really happens when kids with no conscience get hold of monstrous friends to do their bidding.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Yoshihiko Inui Yoshihiko Inui

Yoshihiko Inui is a Japanese a best known as the creator of، Yoshihiko Inui has 7 books ،Yoshihiko Inui's most popular book is Tomodachi x Monster Vol

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