The Three Musketeers

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The Three Musketeers بقلم البرت اينشتاين ... “‘When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.’ Dealing with the theory of relativity—special relativity and general relativity—and the considerations on the universe as a whole, this book gives an insight into the scientific theory about the relationship between space and time, the theory of gravitation, and the universe. A Nobel laureate, Einstein’s research and theories changed the world. First published in 1916, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory is regarded as the most significant work in modern physics. It continues to remain popular and highly influential.

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البرت اينشتاين البرت اينشتاين

Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Germany—died April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.), German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

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تقييمات ومراجعات (The Three Musketeers)

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