The Seamstress’ Daughter

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The Seamstress’ Daughter بقلم جمانة حداد ... When, on their first night together, after several rounds of avid, mostly silent love¬making, only interrupted by occasional obscene words, he said to her: “You are my first redhead”, she felt like slapping him hard in the face. His tone made her feel like some kind of a milestone in a sexual oddity bucket list. Redhead: check. Next target: Woman with no belly button. However, she contained her ego and just replied in a calm voice: “And you are my eleventh infidelity”. He burst out in a loud laugh, too loud to be genuine. She smiled inside because she knew she had succeeded in provoking him back. However progressive a man is, he’d still hate not being the frontrunner of a race. Boys have to compete. Precede. Win. Especially when the trophy is a woman’s body. There will always be a cave guy inside many suited and well-mannered men, pounding his chest and howling: “I did it! I did it!” before dragging the female away by her hair.

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جمانة حداد جمانة حداد

جمانة حداد كاتبة ومترجمة وصحافية لبنانية. منذ عام 2014 يتم اختيارها سنوياً كواحدة من المئة امرأة عربية الأكثر نفوذاً في العالم من جانب مجلة Arabian Business، بسبب نشاطها الثقافي والاجتماعي. هي من عائلة سلوم، وتعود أصولها إلى بلدة يارون العاملية

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