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The Science of Success بقلم Napoleon Hill ... THE PMA SCIENCE OF SUCCESS COURSE This book contains a series of classroom lectures. It contains the material from “Think and Grow Rich,” “The Law of Success” and others. Anyone who uses even a few of the 17 Principles of Success will be successful. Highlight what works for you, review your notes, and launch your career. The book has a linked table of contents for easy reference. Napoleon Hill's work has touched the lives of countless thousands through his lectures, teachings, and prolific writings. His internationally known books Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success have become the standards of motivational literature against which all others are measured. To make available in perpetuity the success principles he spent a lifetime identifying and sharing with others, on August 21, 1962, Dr. Hill and his wife, Annie Lou, founded the Napoleon Hill Foundation. A not-for-profit corporation, the Foundation's sole purpose is to continue to spread his philosophy of success through the co-operation and support of others, rather than at their expense. The 17 principles of success he quantified in his writings and lectures aid not only the individual who practices them, but all those with whom he comes in contact, as well. Those principles along with his lifelong published works and yet unpublished manuscripts, recordings, and courses comprise the legacy Dr. Hill endowed in the Foundation. Dr. Hill enjoyed close friendships with many of the turn-of-the-century business leaders who played a significant role in shaping the destiny of America and the world. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Theodore Roosevelt, and Alexander Graham Bell were but a few who freely shared the secrets of how they attained their success with Dr. Hill. Andrew Carnegie so strongly believed in the universal principles of success that he sponsored the research and writing that became the first authoritative treatise on the subject, the Personal Success Philosophy of Achievement by Napoleon Hill. This practical self-study program will help you thoroughly understand and apply the 17 principles of success in your own life, to achieve any goal — however ambitious.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Napoleon Hill Napoleon Hill

Oliver Napoleon Hill was an American self-help author. He is known best for his book Think and Grow Rich which is among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time. Hill's works insisted that fervid expectations are essential to improving one's life.

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