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The Midnight Feast بقلم لوسي فولي ... 'The Midnight Feast is Foley's most unputdownable thriller yet. Delicious and darkly glamorous, and full of brilliant twists’ LISA JEWELL 'I devoured The Midnight Feast…It has everything you want from a Lucy Foley thriller: a glamorous location, an entertaining cast of characters brought to life with a terrific sense of humour, an undercurrent of witchy menace – and an unsolved murder' ALEX MICHAELIDES ‘An atmospheric, tantalizing thriller peopled with utterly recognizable characters, all of them hiding something about themselves and their connection to the eerie Manor hotel in Dorset’ NITA PROSE 'A sharp, stylish and stunning murder mystery. Darkly funny, with trademark twists and unforgettable characters, The Midnight Feast is Lucy Foley's best yet’ CHRIS WHITAKER ‘The Midnight Feast is a delicious, wicked pleasure. It brings together everything l love in Lucy Foley’s work: great satire, delectably awful characters, and a squeamishly satisfying sense of justice.’ ABIGAIL DEAN ‘I was turning the pages way past midnight and it was the most delicious feast of a read … I don’t think I’ll read a more entertaining book this year’ LIZ NUGENT ‘A luxury veneer hides the darkest secrets in this rollercoaster page-turner. It kept me guessing right to the end, with each reveal landing perfectly. A triumph, readers will devour it’ ANDREA MARA ‘This is crime writing at its finest. An intoxicating dose of mystical hedonism gives the story and characters a vibrant darkness and depth that keeps the thrills coming. I flew through it, this fun and fiendish, five star feast of a read’ JANICE HALLETT

نبذة عن الكاتب

لوسي فولي لوسي فولي

درَستْ لوسي فولي الأدب الإنجليزي في جامعة دَرَم وفي كليَّة لندن الجامعية، وعملتْ محررةً أدبيةً في مجال النشر عدَّة سنوات قبل أن تتفرغَ للكتابة تفرُّغًا كاملًا. رواية «حفلة الصيد» أول رواية جريمة تكتبها، واستوحتها من مكانٍ ناءٍ ألهبَ مخيلتها في أسكتلندا ومن ثم أتبعتها برواية فارقة وهي قائمة الضيوف.
كتبتْ كذلك لوسي ثلاث رواياتٍ تاريخيةٍ، وتُرجمتْ أعمالها إلى ست عشرة لغة."

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تقييمات ومراجعات (The Midnight Feast)

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