The Best of Dale Carnegie

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The Best of Dale Carnegie بقلم ديل كارنيجي. ... KitabSpace Exclusive] Dale Harbison Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), a bestseller that remains popular till this day. He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948), Lincoln the Unknown (1932), and several other books. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's behavior toward them. We at KitabSpace personally recommend Jainco publication for this particular book set. The five books included are: How to Enjoy your Life and your Job How to Win Friends and Influence How to Stop Worrying and Start Living The Quick and Easy Way to Effective How to Develop Self-Confidence

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ديل كارنيجي. ديل كارنيجي.

ديل كارنيجي ‏؛ كان مؤلف أمريكي ومطور الدروس المشهورة في تحسين الذات ومدير معهد كارنيجي للعلاقات الإنسانية ولد عام 1888 وتوفي عام 1955، بعد أن أصيب بسرطان الدم من نوع لمفومة هودجكين نشـأ ديـل كـارنيجى في أسـرة فـقيرة، وكان الابن الثاني لكـل من جيمس وليم كـارنيجى وأمـاندا إليزابيث هاربيسون

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