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The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople بقلم Stephan Schiffman ... Now you can join the hundreds of thousands of salespeople who have followed Stephen Schiffman's advice and watch your performance soar. Schiffman lets you in on the industry's best-kept secrets. Learn how to convert leads to sales, motivate yourself and motivate others, give killer presentations, and keep your sense of humor. This new edition includes: New examples using the latest advances in sales presentation technology Up-to-date cases of these successful habits in action Five bonus habits showing readers how to overcome mistakes, set sales timetables, and reexamine processes to shore up weaknesses If you're a salesperson looking to succeed, this is the book for you!

نبذة عن الكاتب

Stephan Schiffman Stephan Schiffman

Stephan Schiffman (New York, NY) has trained over 500,000 salespeople are firms such as AT&T Information Systems, Chemical Bank, Manufacturer?s Hanover Trust, Motorola, and U.S. Health Care. Schiffman is the president of DEI Management Group. He is the author of such bestselling books as Cold Calling Techniques and Closing Techniques.

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