نبذة عن الكتاب

Tales from Shakespeare بقلم تشارلز لام، Mary Lamb ... A retelling of the comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare, Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb brings together twenty stories, simplified for the young reader. Beginning with ‘The Tempest’ and ending with ‘Pericles, Prince of Trye’, it includes the summaries of some of Shakespeare’s most memorable and influential works. While the comedies have been written by Mary, the tragedies have been penned down by Charles. One of the bestselling books of the nineteenth century, Tales from Shakespeare continues to remain a popular children’s classic more than two centuries after its first publication in 1807.

نبذة عن الكاتب

تشارلز لام تشارلز لام

تشارلز لام كاتب وناقد إنجليزي اشترك مع أخته ماري في كتابة قصص من شيكسبير أو Tales from Shakespeare عام 1807. اشتهر في مجال النقد بكتابه نماذج شعراء الدراما الإنجليز. من أشهر مؤلفاته مقالات ايليا، جمعت ما بين 1823 و1833، حشد فيها كثيرًا من ذكرياته وخبراته.، ويُعدُّ من كُتّاب المقالة البارزين في الأدب الإنكليزي.

أعمال أخرى للكاتب

Mary Lamb Mary Lamb

Mary Ann Lamb (3 December 1764 – 20 May 1847) was an English writer. She is best known for the collaboration with her brother Charles on the collection Tales from Shakespeare. Mary suffered from mental illness, and in 1796 she stabbed her mother to death during a mental breakdown. She was confined to mental facilities for most of her remaining life. She and Charles presided over a literary circle in London that included the poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, among others.

أعمال أخرى للكاتب

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