secret of the pharoahs

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secret of the pharoahs بقلم د. شريف شعبان ... For thousands of years and to this day, there have been numerous myths and misconceptions about ancient Egypt in the minds of many around the world. Perhaps it is because of the nature of the ancient Egyptians to keep the secrets of their civilization within the minds of their priests, like the secrets of the ancient Egyptian language and hieroglyphic writing, magical secrets, miracles of architecture, astronomy, and other knowledge that other nations could not understand, and turned into mysteries. This book comes as a serious and sincere attempt to reveal falsehoods and refute the myths surrounding ancient Egyptian civilization, which unfortunately turned into facts in mind of the public and some specialists both inside and outside Egypt. So, let me take you through an interesting journey to discover the secrets of Ancient Egypt and to reveal its mysteries and myths.

نبذة عن الكاتب

د. شريف شعبان د. شريف شعبان

كاتب روائي وخبير في الآثار المصرية ومؤرخ فني من مواليد 1982.
تخرج من كلية الآثار جامعة القاهرة في عام 2002، حصل على الماجستير في عام 2008، حصل على الدكتوراه فى 2013.
محاضر في كلية الآثار جامعة القاهرة وله العديد من المقالات العربية والأجنبية والتي تم نشرها في الكثير من الصحف المصرية والأجنبية.
له العديد من المؤلفات في مجال الرواية والمجال العملي والتاريخ.

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