Money Wise

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Money Wise بقلم ديباك شينوي ... Wealth is not just about adding zeroes to your net worth but having enough to live an unconstrained life. Money Wise shows you the way. It cuts through the clutter of jargon and technical terms, leading you step by step on the path to prosperity. In it, you will learn: • Ways of allocating your income • The only mutual funds hack worth knowing • Why you should be watching not what Warren Buffett says but what he does Written in Shenoy’s trademark style, Money Wise is a book as much fun to read as it is informative. If you want to start investing, this is the book for you. If you have already started, then read this and up your game. "

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ديباك شينوي ديباك شينوي

“Deepak is Founder of Capital Mind. His expert views on the market and economy keep me updated and well prepared. His articles are well researched and sensible.

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تقييمات ومراجعات (Money Wise)

مراجعات العملاء


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