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Mind Magic بقلم جيمس ر. دوتي ... A deep exploration of the neuroscience behind manifestation, with a six-part plan for realizing your dreams For decades the practice of manifestation has been widely dismissed as self-involved, materialistic pseudoscience. But as neuroscientist and recognized compassion leader Dr. James Doty reveals, manifestation introduces us to different possibilities, and it lays the groundwork for a kinder, better world. Doty grounds us in the practices that change our brain attention, meditation, visualization, and compassion. This mind magic allows us to move through the world in ways that help us see clearly—reclaiming our agency, realizing our dreams, and reaching out to help others along the path. Where previous works about manifestation have focused narrowly on outward success and individual benefit, Mind Magic delivers an openhearted call to make manifestation part of a deeper contribution to healing the problems we face today.

نبذة عن الكاتب

جيمس ر. دوتي جيمس ر. دوتي

كاتب ومؤلف ومخترِع أمريكي، ولد في 1 ديسمبر 1955. من أهم مؤلفاته كتاب "في متجر السحر" لفهم ألغاز الدماغ وأسرار القلب.

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تقييمات ومراجعات (Mind Magic)

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