i want to be a chef

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i want to be a chef بقلم Dan Liebman ... In I Want to Be a Chef, young readers will learn about what goes on behind the scenes of a restaurant. They'll observe chefs mixing, chopping, baking -- and working as a team. They'll find out about training, assisting, different types of chefs, and safe food-handling practices. They'll also learn about chefs who write cookbooks and host television shows. The book ends with a checklist that summarizes the qualities of a good chef. I Want to Be a Chef is packed with real-life photos and includes interesting and easy-to-read captions -- plus a recipe or two. It's a book in which the whole family can become involved.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Dan Liebman Dan Liebman

author of twenty children's booksand the editor of dictionaries and other reference books for both kids and adults. Dan lives in Toronto.

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تقييمات ومراجعات (i want to be a chef)

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