نبذة عن الكتاب

How to Talk: (so Kids Will Listen and ...) بقلم Adele Faber، Elaine Mazlish ... In this international bestseller, discover the number one practical guide to family life. Parenting experts Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish provide effective step by step techniques to help you improve and enrich your relationships with your children. Learn how to: * Break a pattern of arguments * Cope with your child's negative feelings * Engage your child's co-operation * Set clear limits and still maintain goodwill * Express your anger without being hurtful * Resolve family conflicts peacefully

نبذة عن الكاتب

Adele Faber Adele Faber

Adele Faber American author She wrote books about parenting and families and was an expert on communication between adults and children.

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Elaine Mazlish Elaine Mazlish

Elaine Mazlish American author, parent educator who wrote about helping parents and teachers to communicate better with children.
She also arranged various workshops based on the teachings in her books.

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