How To Stop Worrying And Start Living

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How To Stop Worrying And Start Living بقلم ديل كارنيجي. ... About the bookdale carnegie, quoting his personal life wherein he found himself under-satisfied in a lot of situations, has synthesized his experiences and self-help messages in his book how to stop worrying and start living. The book has not just grabbed one of the most unavoidable issues in everyone's daily life ‘worry', but has parallelly provided a commentary of carnegie's exploration with how one can proceed to learn keeping worry away. It is a very intelligently knit book that would keep the reader involved in self-applying thoughts while reading the book and an urge to come back to explore more as they take a halt.the target of the book is to help readers understand what suits their respective lives best to help them reframe it in a constructive manner, subtracting worry from it and how they could focus on living each day with joy and contentment. Readers would appreciate the connect carnegie has built by taking examples of real nuances and implications one potentially faces,

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ديل كارنيجي. ديل كارنيجي.

ديل كارنيجي ‏؛ كان مؤلف أمريكي ومطور الدروس المشهورة في تحسين الذات ومدير معهد كارنيجي للعلاقات الإنسانية ولد عام 1888 وتوفي عام 1955، بعد أن أصيب بسرطان الدم من نوع لمفومة هودجكين نشـأ ديـل كـارنيجى في أسـرة فـقيرة، وكان الابن الثاني لكـل من جيمس وليم كـارنيجى وأمـاندا إليزابيث هاربيسون

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