How to Grow Your Small Business

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How to Grow Your Small Business بقلم دونالد ميلر ... How to Grow Your Small Business : A 6-Step Plan to Help Your Business Take Off Donald Miller, author of the bestselling Building a StoryBrand, has helped thousands of individuals, corporations, and justice-oriented organizations turn vision into action using the organized, easy to implement communication framework outlined in these pages. Based on proven principles individuals and entire companies are using right now to bring awareness to their missions and brands, in this book Donald teaches you how to: Build a communication campaign that flows across key customer touchpoints to effectively develop, strengthen, and communicate your mission to the marketplace. Cultivate long-lasting awareness for your mission that can lead to a socially relevant movement around your message. Utilize the same practical, straightforward advice and actionable principles to create subsequent campaigns that leave a direct impact on the people they are meant to reach. Simple and easy to understand, turn your vision into an amazing campaign that people not only pay attention to but also rally around as they become advocates of your brand and mission.

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دونالد ميلر دونالد ميلر

Donald Miller has helped more than 3, 000 businesses clarify their marketing messages so their companies grow. Hes the CEO of StoryBrand, the cohost of the Building a StoryBrand Podcast, and the author of several books, including the bestsellers Blue Like Jazz and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Betsy, and their dogs, Lucy and June Carter.

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