نبذة عن الكتاب

How to Begin بقلم Michael Bungay Stanier ... Aceasta carte este pentru tine daca: - esti ambitios, dar simti ca nu ti s-a dat niciodata permisiunea sa cauti si sa incerci tot ce e posibil pentru tine - ai avut anumite realizari in cariera si acum e timpul „sa urci cel de-al doilea munte” si sa te gandesti la ce lasi in urma - esti nemultumit de modul in care functioneaza lucrurile si vrei sa schimbi in bine partea ta de lume - esti coach si vrei sa-ti sustii clientii, ca sa fie extraordinari si sa faca lucruri extraordinare - esti la inceputul vietii de adult si esti pregatit sa traiesti o viata plina de semnificatie si de impact - esti gata sa incepi si sa faci lucruri care conteaza. Acesta este ghidul tau practic pentru a-ti gasi atentia si curajul sa-ti stabilesti un Obiectiv Care Sa Merite: unul care sa te entuziasmeze, sa te forteze sa cresti si sa serveasca un scop mai inalt, fiind palpitant, important si intimidant. Cu umorul, compasiunea si claritatea caracteristice lui Michael, vei parcurge un proces testat si verificat pentru: - a-ti gasi si a-ti consolida cel mai bun Obiectiv Care Sa Merite - a-ti clarifica angajamentul, ca sa stii ce te asteapta - a dezvolta resursele necesare ca sa treci pragul, ca sa nu calatoresti singur - a crea avant, progres si impact. Nu regreta o viata traita pe jumatate. Foloseste aceasta carte ca sa incepi sa faci ceva care conteaza. Deblocheaza-ti splendoarea lucrand la problemele dificile. Fii ambitios pentru tine insuti si pentru lumea intreaga. Foloseste procesul Cum sa incepi pentru a stabili si a atinge Obiectivele Care Sa Merite. Ceva palpitant, important si intimidant.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Michael Bungay Stanier Michael Bungay Stanier

Michael Bungay Stanier has a gift for distilling big, complex ideas into practical, accessible knowledge for everyday people that helps them be a force for good. His books have sold over a million copies, with The Coaching Habit topping The Wall Street Journal bestseller list. MBS has been featured on the blogs and social media platforms of thought leaders including Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, and Brené Brown, and has appeared on ABC, BBC, CBC, Ted.com, and innumerable podcasts—as well as in notable publications including the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Inc., and Fast Company. MBS is the founder of Box of Crayons, a learning and development company, that helps organizations move from advice-driven action to curiosity-led transformation. They have trained more than half a million people for clients including Microsoft, Salesforce, TELUS, and Gucci. Before establishing Box of Crayons, MBS’s accomplishments included publishing an academic article on James Joyce and a Harlequin-esque short story; playing small roles in helping invent Pizza Hut’s Stuffed Crust pizza and creating “one of the worst single-malt whiskies in existence”; and spending 20 minutes writing what has remained GlaxoSmithKline’s global vision for more than 20 years. A former Rhodes Scholar, MBS is an Australian who now lives in Toronto, Canada. You can join others committed to being a force for change at MBS.works

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تقييمات ومراجعات (How to Begin)

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