Gangsta Granny

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Gangsta Granny بقلم David Walliams ... Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David’s previous bestsellers.

نبذة عن الكاتب

David Walliams David Walliams

Since 2008 David Walliams has taken the children’s literary world by storm. His most recent book DEMON DENTIST, immediately went to no.1 in the children’s chart and sold over half a million copies in less than a year, while the PBs of his previous titles dominate the UK charts. Today, David is the fastest-growing children’s author in the UK. His books have been translated into 40+ languages and sold over 4 million copies in the UK alone. David’s books have achieved unprecedented critical acclaim - and both RATBURGER and DEMON DENTIST won the National Book Awards Children’s Book of the Year.

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