The Comfort Book

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The Comfort Book بقلم مات هايغ ... A manual of reflections for an increasingly stressful world Nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up. A collection of little islands of hope, The Comfort Book gathers consolations and stories that give us new ways of seeing ourselves and the world. Matt Haig’s mix of philosophy, memoir and self-reflection builds on the wisdom of philosophers and survivors through the ages, from Marcus Aurelius to Nellie Bly, from Emily Dickinson to James Baldwin. This is the book to pick up when you need the wisdom of a friend or the comfort of a hug, or just want to celebrate the messy miracle of being alive.

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مات هايغ مات هايغ

Matt Haig was born in Sheffield, England. He writes books for both adults and children, often blending the worlds of domestic reality and outright fantasy, with a quirky twist.

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تقييمات ومراجعات (The Comfort Book)

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