الخيال العلمي العربي

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الخيال العلمي العربي بقلم Ian Campbell ... الكتاب رحلة شيقة جدًا في عالم الخيال العلمي.. يبدأ بتعريف الخيال العلمي ويتعرض له في العالم الغربي ثم يستعرض أصوله العربية في كتبنا التراثية مثل ألف ليلة وليلة وحي بن يقظان وغيرها. يعرج بعد ذلك على الخيال العلمي العربي في كتابات النقاد العرب ثم يستفيض في تحليل بعض النصوص العربية المؤسسة للنوع في عالمنا العربي، مستعينًا بأداة نقدية استخدمها المؤلف ليثبت أن الخيال العلمي العربي لم ينفصل أبدًا عن واقعنا وهو إن استعان بالرؤي المستقبلية وبالجديد العلمي وبسيناريوهات مفارقة، ما زال يعكس حالنا وينقد هذا الحال ويتحدث بألسنتنا .. يرنو إلي عوالم السحر والخيال لكنه يتصل بواقعنا ويتحدث عنه.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Ian Campbell Ian Campbell

Author Ian Campbell was born in Dundee in the twilight Churchilian years and, like many of his generation, served his apprenticeship in the boom of post-war Britain. In his case it was the shipyards like his father and grandfather before him.

Old Dundee as described herin was part of his youth and was the backdrop to his life before they tore old Dundee down. His familiarity and local knowledge is therefore first hand or has been passed down from his family before him and is reflected in the book.

He has travelled extensively throughout the world for work comitments and lived in a variety of far lands. Ultimately, he returned to Dundee and by coincidence, attended Dudhope Castle when it was Dundee Business School to complete a master's degree in Business Administration. Dudhope Castle is central to the book and rightly so, as it stood proudly overlooking the population of 'The Crescent' for decades.

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