Dr. Herbert Fensterheim, the senior author of Don’t Say Yes When You Want to Say No, received his MA in psychology from Columbia University and his PhD from New York University. He spent 20 years as an analytically oriented therapist before becoming one of the first clinicians involved with behavior therapy. Currently in private practice in Manhattan, he is clinical associate professor of psychology in Psychiatry, Cornell University Medical College, and head, Behavior Treatment and Study, Payne Whitney Clinic, The New York Hospital. He has taught psychology at undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels at leading universities and medical colleges. In addition, he has written almost 100 professional papers, coedited two professional books on behavior therapy, and is the author of Help Without Psychoanalysis. A recognized leader in assertiveness training, Dr. Fensterheim has given many talks to and workshops for the professional community at meetings of such groups as the American Psychological Association and the American Group Psychotherapy Association, thus enabling other therapists to learn the technique and teach it to patients.